
(614) 863-1433
4322 N Hamilton Rd, Gahanna, OH 43230

Hours of Operation:

Sun/Mon: Closed
Tue: 9am-6pm
Wed: 9am-6pm

Thu: 9am-6pm
Fri: 8am-12pm
Sat: 8am-12pm


(614) 863-1433
5320 E Main St #100, Columbus, OH

Hours of Operation:

Sun/Mon: Closed
Tue: 9am-6pm
Wed: 9am-3pm

Thu: 9am-6pm
Fri: 8am-3pm
Sat: 9am-1pm

Call (614) 863-1433 to set up an appointment

Children & Infant Eye Care

When is the best time to have you child’s eyes checked?

Our eye doctors participate in a vision program called InfantSEE. This program offers FREE vision screenings to children 6 -12 months of age.

This visit ensures the eyes are developing correctly. Depth perception, eye tracking and prescription are a few things checked. A large prescription for their age, a difference between the two eyes, or eye turns could lead to amblyopia or a “lazy eye” in the future.

After completion of the exam, the optometrist will obtain an eye exam schedule for your child going forward. Typically at age 3, and then again at age 5 before starting kindergarten. However, if any concerns are noticed you should set up an appointment immediately.

Learning related vision problems is one of the top un-diagnosed learning disabilities among children. Call us at 614-863-1433 to set up your child's exam today

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